Cmfive documentation progress

2020-03-04 00:00:00 +0000

The Cmfive documentation repository has been extended to provide Docker configurations for local Jekyll hosting. Now it is easy to set up a local project for contributing content, and to preview your working changes.

The distinction between main documentation and tutorials has been exemplified, and documentation is being provided for the Cmfive test framework. (Codeception UA tests.)

Onward, as we update all of the Cmfive documentation and migrate it to this new set up. This may take some time so we appreciate your patience.

Cmfive site refresh

2019-09-18 00:00:00 +0000

The Cmfive site has been long overdue for a site refresh. We’ve decided on using GitHub pages (powered by Jekyll) for a number of reasons

  • All documentation can be truly open source - just like Cmfive
  • The site is only comprised of static components (HTML, CSS, JS) with no dynamic parts
    • The advantage of this is that there are minimal security risks compared with the more traditional Wordpress site that we’re used to using
  • Hosting costs are $0 since it’s backed by Github
  • Versions of documents are maintained and can be mapped to different versions of Cmfive through the use of branches
  • Editing documentation is much easier to do via the use of pull requests

Our next step from here is to update all of the Cmfive documentation and migrate it to this new set up. This may take some time so we appreciate your patience.